
Diagnosed at 55

“Mrs. Skindell, you have Parkinson’s Disease.” That was April 0f 2013 and that simple statement turned my world upside down. My students noticed my left hand shaking quite a bit and asked me if I was nervous about something. My primary physician referred me to a neurologist who diagnosed me with Parkinson’s disease. My husband and I looked at each other not quite understanding what that meant at the time, but after doing some research online, we came to understand all that Parkinson’s Disease is and is not, at least, what is currently known about PD. At first I was stunned, then angered. Now I just take one day at a time, counting each and every blessing that comes my way. God’s amazing grace has brought me to this place in my life, and He holds me in His hands daily. I know that He has planned something good to come out of Parkinson’s Disease for me and I am trusting in Him to lead me. Since that day in 2013, my symptoms have increased (tremors in both sides of my body, loss of sense of smell, and I walk a little slower). My husband and I have taken tai chi lessons which have improved my balance plus it just makes me feel better to exercise, and now I am taking water aerobics. I do not concern myself with anything worse that may or may not be ahead because I do not intend to live through anything bad twice, so I focus on the here and now, and I look for the joy in today.

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