Diagnosed at 63
I have always been an independent, motivated person and never had any illnesses or disabilities whatsoever. When I began to suspect that my slowed movement and fatigue was more than just being a little “out of shape”, I went to see my GP, who referred me immediately to a neurologist who diagnosed me as having Parkinson’s disease. I have heard quite a few stories of patients who could not get their primary physician to do anything or refer them anywhere…until the symptoms were severe and debilitating. Luckily my primary physician was not that arrogant! I was diagnosed before the symptoms were terribly debilitating.
When I was told that I had Parkinson’s and it was an incurable, progressively worsening condition that could end with dementia, I was distraught and cried for days. I read everything I could find on the disorder and various treatments…which only made me feel more frightened. There was a lot of mention of the role of the “Care giver.” What caregiver? All that independent living was coming back to bite me!
I started the medication my Neurologist prescribed ( Azilect 1mg and Carbadopa/Levodopa (Dopamine) and I began to exercise regularly (swimming, treadmill, stationary bike and upper body weight training) I began to feel a lot more hopeful and strong. I tried EFT, “Emotional Freedom Technique” or “tapping Meridians” to dispel my anxiety and depression. It made a huge difference and I have stabilized with a minimum of symptoms and a lot of gratitude.