Diagnosed at 55
After teaching exercises to older adults for over 20 years, my health was creating some problems for me. I considered myself quite fit. After all, I was the “exercise teacher”! I was tripping over my own feet & having hot burning flashes & my feet felt like I was walking on pins & needles. To make things worse, I was extra tired & had little get-up-&-go. So I visited my foot dr & he suggested I visit my MD. He thought my foot relations had to do with Parkinson’s.
That first visit was 10 years ago when my MD referred me to a Neurologist who confirmed I had PD. What a shock- foot pain to having Parkinson’s!After the denial, self pity, anger & stupid choices I made, I finally got moving in the right direction with exercise & appropriate medications for my treatment with my Movement disorders specialist. I liked the idea of increasing exercises & physical activity instead of increasing medications.
I also joined a Parkinson’s Disease Support Group & was able to learn so much! I also shared with the group by teaching 5 minutes of fitness each month.During these last 10 years of living with Parkinson’s, no day was like the last.I had to give up a lot of the physical activities my husband & I shared… but with the help of caring & supporting family members, a few special friends, doctors & my husband I have been back to moving & finding my groove while starting to improve!
It’s true, I have Parkinson’s but it does not have me! In fact the only one that has me is my husband & I keep reminding him that I’ll be around a good long time moving, grooving and maybe not all the time- but improving!