What’s Happening at APDA
- South Florida Symposium Success: APDA’s South Florida Chapter hosted the 5th Annual Parkinson’s Symposium: A Comprehensive Approach to PD in Boca Raton this January. Approximately 250 participants heard from experts including keynote speaker Dr. Carlos Singer, Professor of Neurology, Director of the Division of PD & Movement Disorders, University of Miami Health Systems, who spoke about PD and autonomic symptoms (above). Entertainment was provided by The Parkinson’s Choir who kicked off the program with a series of songs and a great solo rendition of “New York, New York.”
- Expanding services in California: APDA is proud to announce a new APDA Information & Referral (I&R) Center in Santa Monica at the Pacific Movement Disorders Center at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center. This new I&R Center enables us to serve more people in Southern California through in-person support groups and programs including PRESSTM and Connecting Through Art, as well as information and referrals throughout the area. For more information visit apda.csseodev.com/ca.