What’s Happening at APDA


Meet the Researchers: Virtual Research Roundtable
In February, we hosted a virtual roundtable event (via Zoom), featuring four APDA-funded researchers. Missed it? Don’t worry — you can find the recording in our Educational Video Library at apda.csseodev.com/videos and watch it anytime!

Virtual Events — Anywhere, for Anyone!
Visit apda.csseodev.com/events to check out APDA’s new Virtual Events Calendar! No matter where you live, we’ve got you covered with educational programs, expert Q&A sessions, and an assortment of exercise and movement classes (yoga, tai chi, dance, and more). All programs are free to join.

Let’s Watch, Then Walk!
Register soon! On May 22, get moving with us for a Virtual Optimism Walk! The Virginia, Massachusetts, and Northwest Optimism Walks will join together for a fun and inspiring online celebration, and then we’ll walk safely on our own, sharing photos and messages throughout the day using #OptimismWalk. Visit apda.csseodev.com/optimism-walks to register and learn more.

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