The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) works tirelessly to support the Parkinson’s disease (PD) community, but we know we are not reaching everyone. We are dedicated to finding ways to broaden our reach and meet the needs of underserved, under-resourced, and rural communities. One way we’re working toward this is with a wealth of Spanish-language resources, including:

Through our dedicated focus groups and patient interactions, we’ve learned that many Spanish-speaking people with PD struggle greatly in learning about the disease and how to find the best care and assistance. Having a full range of educational materials available in Spanish can greatly increase their ability to access care and advocate for themselves.

If you or someone you know is looking for reliable PD resources in Spanish, you can visit our translated website. You can also contact us in Spanish through our helpline at 800-223-2732 and by email at apda@apda.csseodev.com.

Support Our Mission

To support your local APDA’S SPANISH-LANGUAGE RESOURCES chapter please click the button below: