

Diagnosed at 66

At the age of 66, as a result of unexplained symptoms: hand tremors, change of gait and arm swing, I was prompted to seek medical evaluation. Mid-morning, January 6, 2011, was my first exposure to a neurologist… rather interesting, yet mildly foreboding. The neurologist was pleasant and affable. I was subjected to a series of clinical tests and evaluations. {Facial animation; tremor; rigidness; normalcy of walk; arm swing; balance; & handwriting}.

At the culmination of the series of physical tests…the pronouncement: Parkinson’s Disease…100% surety. My reaction was somewhat of a surrealistic epiphany. A game changer for sure. After some self-assessment & introspection, I elected to meet Parkinson’s head on as a life challenge.

I was already physically active; enjoying tennis, surfing, jogging, biking, skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and lifting. The shift went from casual to disciplined participation. This equates to 2hrs/day most days, with one day per week to rest & recoup.

Result: The physical program, plus the seemingly perfect medical cocktail, resulted in a 95% reduction in my symptoms.

The most dramatic improvement was in my right hand. My manipulative and dexterity skills had become non-existent. This was especially disheartening since I previously played guitar and sang professionally. Due to osteoarthritis and Parkinson’s, I couldn’t play guitar whatsoever. I forced myself to physically re-learn to play guitar. Now, a daily musical therapy session is necessary to maintain optimum use of my right hand.

But here’s the “kicker”…IT’S FUN!! IT’S ALL FUN!!! The physical output.  .  The musical re-training…its good fun & good for you. What’s not to like?

So here is the bottom line. Get involved…No, immersed in at least one, if not multiple activities that truly interest and motivate you! It will enhance your physical and mental well-being.

THE MANTRA: Do as much as you can while you can!! Trust me…it works!

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