

Diagnosed at 40

I lived in Baltimore until I joined the USMC at 18 and traveled the world. I got out in 1992. My son was born in 1994. From an early age I knew the importance of physical fitness. On or about my 40th birthday I had my first noticeable tremor. (What a present, hooray lol!) Losing my athleticism was a huge blow to me. There were many dark times for me over the next few years. If it hadn’t been for my fiancé, my son and my friends I most likely wouldn’t have made it. At age 45 I received a Deep Brain Stimulation implant and it allows me to function again. It has been a work in progress.

I have a new lease on life. I am somewhat limited day to day but this last year has been the best year of my life rediscovering the world again. I am optimistic due to the medical and technical advances in Parkinson’s Disease therapy. I read everything I can about Parkinson’s Disease research so much so my now 19 year old son is considering pursuing a career in bio-medical engineering.

Next month I plan to start rowing again. Within the next year I plan to row a single man craft from Catalina Island to Newport Beach for charity for ongoing Parkinson’s Disease research.

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