APDA’s three-year Strategic Plan guides our work every day. It keeps us focused on our mission, centered on our priorities, and driven by what matters most – serving and supporting the Parkinson’s disease community.
Helping everyone impacted by Parkinson’s disease live life to the fullest
Increase Mission Impact
Expand constituent-centric, evidence based, and impactful programs, services and research that improve the quality of life throughout the disease continuum.
Cultivate Partnerships and Collaborations
Cultivate partnerships and collaborations to expand and elevate mission delivery to better meet Parkinson community needs.
Expand Reach
Expand reach to under-served, under-studied and under-represented communities to promote health equality and access to care, and provide education and support.
If you have any questions about our Strategic Plan, please reach out to us at apda@apda.csseodev.com.